My child was regularly in trouble for talking and being disruptive in class and I felt like his teacher was punishing rather than helping him.Approach
I downloaded the Keywell Teacher’s Booklet with a plan to share it with my son’s teacher. After reading it thoroughly I asked our Occupational Therapist to contribute to the About Me profile. We’d been seeing the OT for six months and she has some very specific ideas on classroom supports to help my son. I then booked a meeting with my child’s teacher to go through the finished profile and my concerns.
- With the help of our OT, I completed the About Me template with specific strategies and support ideas for my son.
- I sent the booklet and the completed About Me profile to the teacher and requested that they have a read through before our meeting.
- I met with my son’s teacher, and we went through my concerns and their concerns. I was relieved that they were willing to try different strategies to help my son in the classroom.
- The teacher agreed to:
- A wobble cushion that my son can use in the classroom – his hyperactivity was becoming an issue, and the cushion would help with the extra energy
- Put up a visual reminder for kids to stay quiet and a notepad for my son to write down questions – he hates that he forgets what he wants to say when other people are talking and the teacher said they would always address his questions
- Move my son to a table closer to the front and with kids who are less distractable – he has a friend that he loves to chat to and being on a different table will help
- Give my son regular physical breaks between activities – the OT was very keen for the teacher to do this because it helps my son to stay regulated
I noticed a change in my son almost immediately because they weren’t complaining about going to school every morning. He told me he wasn’t getting in trouble as much with the teacher and hadn’t been sent to see the principal. I think the strategies are working but I also think the teacher has also realised that my son isn’t a bad kid who misbehaves on purpose.
Teacher's Booklet
Supporting ADHD Students In The Classroom
Empower teachers with practical strategies to support students with ADHD in the classroom.