Real World Stories

Experiences of parents and teachers

Feedback from parents and teachers about their experience using the Keywell Mobile App and the Supporting Students with ADHD teacher’s booklet.

Mobile App

New psychologist wanted more information

My daughter is a very anxious child and we have been seeing a psychologist for a few years for treatment. Our amazing psychologist left the practice and the replacement wanted to gain a better understanding of what was going on with my daughter.
Mobile App

Stuck in a negative pattern

My husband and I have a baby and a 10 year old boy (Raj) who was diagnosed with ADHD and ODD at 7. He is on medication, but apart from him helping focus during school hours it doesn’t help with anything else.

Bridging Home and School, a parent’s experience

My 9-year-old son who is autistic and has ADHD started to hate school. He was spending more time in the principal’s office than in the classroom because he was constantly breaking the rules. 

Supporting Executive Functions, a teacher’s approach

I’ve been a primary teacher for ten years and I’m currently teaching year six in a local inner west school. My main concern was related to a 12-year-old girl, diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia, who was falling behind.
Mobile App

Starting new medication

My husband and I are parents to a 7 year old boy named Dean and 10 year old girl called Danni. Dean has been having issues at school since starting kindergarten and things have been getting progressively worse. We have struggled at home with Dean because of his aggression and constant arguments about not doing what he is asked.

Understanding Sensory Needs, a teacher’s perspective

I’m a kindergarten teacher in a public school. I have a 6-year-old boy in my class who is undiagnosed, but his parents suspect he has ADHD. This student, let’s call him Tom, was regularly physically reactive to peers, and I needed to help him and keep the rest of the class safe.
Mobile App

Not able to keep on track of everything + understanding what impacts child

I’m a single mother to three kids. My youngest is autistic and has ADHD. I also have ADHD, three kids and a job that carries a lot of pressure. I was struggling to keep up with the “homework” my child’s OT assigned me and remembering to give my child their medication on time.

Teacher's Booklet

Supporting ADHD Students In The Classroom

Empower teachers with practical strategies to support students with ADHD in the classroom